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Siskiyous Athletics Mission Statement




 Mission Statement, Vision, and Core Values

Mission Statement

College of the Siskiyous athletic department promotes competitive athletic programs and aspires to create and enhance a positive image of the college and department throughout the community. Lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition and how to win and lose gracefully are integral parts of our athletic program.

Our mission also requires that Siskiyous athletes be students first, that they be admitted with careful attention to their academic and motivation, that they benefit from our educational programs and make satisfactory progress toward a degree. We support a culture that provides the opportunity to develop our student-athletes through success in academics and competition to achieve excellence in life.

College of the Siskiyous is also committed to the physical and emotional well-being of student-athletes. We recognize that great demands are placed on students who participate in intercollegiate athletics, and we are committed to providing support to help them manage these demands and get the most out of their experience here at College of the Siskiyous.


College of the Siskiyous athletic program strives to create an exceptional learning environment that shares in the educational mission of the college by offering opportunities to experience interpersonal growth, social development, improve physical and mental health for student athletes, and to develop responsible citizens. Siskiyous mission defines expectations both on the field and off.


Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Accountability
  • Sportsmanship
  • Responsibility  

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